Path(os) of Redemption - ISBN-13: 9781496915955 Online Retailers: AuthorHouse™ |
Path(os) of Redemption Part I
From the very title, Path(os) of Redemption, the reader can see that the path of redemption is not just a road but draws emphasis on the pain and sorrow involved in seeking forgiveness for past transgressions. The novel follows Tristan who, as a teenager, commits suicide. His existence was of little relevance; it is his exploits in the underworld that make him a truly relevant protagonist. In his efforts in the world of darkness and shadows, he achieves the unthinkable and discovers the light. He transcends into an angel called Blaeciel, who operates under the Leader of the Cherubim, Raphael. Now brought into a new glorious life, he is charged with the work he began in the underworld, and that is rescuing lost souls before they are permanently condemned to the darkness.
His first mission introduces him to a girl named Deirdre whom he shares a great deal in common. Her tortured and lonely past leads her to contemplate ending her own life. His drive to protect his charge leads him on a perilous adventure to not only save her, but also himself, as he discovers that he is willing to sacrifice everything for another. A true diversion to the tacky love stories of today, this tale will long endure for it explores the depth of love and is not just the same formula for young lovers that has been produced and reproduced countless times in the same way. Dare to deviate from the mainstream, and embrace this dark yet hopeful tale as the reader gets to investigate what love really means other than kissing in the rain. This story will appeal to both genders.
Available as E-Book: Barnes & Noble™ • Available on NOOK™ book: Amazon™ • Available on KINDLE™
 MASTEMA Last of the Satanim - ISBN-13: 9781496910325 Online Retailers: AuthorHouse™ |
Mastema Last of the Satanim
Mastema, the last remaining angel of his order, is cursed to explore the immense burden that doomed the others of his caste. A minor character in a book that that bears his name, Mastema forces the reader to examine the effects of influence and how little it takes to be the catalyst to catastrophe. By placing the exact pressure in the perfect points, one can collapse empires and level civilizations. Only Mastema, protégé to Sataniel, the prime Satan, could instigate with the prowess and skill necessary to achieve such cataclysmic results.
Bear witness as Mastema, Last of the Satanim, illustrates the ancient world of the cradle of civilization and Egypt, when the Nephilim, a hybrid race produced by angels and mortals, rise to power. The ongoing war distorts both sides until the Great Flood is sent to purge the world of the Forsaken. Mastema uses the immensely powerful offspring of these illicit affairs in an attempt at leading humanity to extinction in its very infancy.
Behold as the prelude to the Historia Regum Obscurum Trilogy (The History of the Kings of Darkness) depicts the early origins of humanity, the Nephilim, their fallen fathers and mothers, including the watchers, werewolves, vampires, elementals, and many other entities that have been merely passed off as myth and products of primitive, science-less, and superstitious minds. Refuse to succumb any longer to the false history that society has tried to pass off as truth and discover our true mysterious origins locked away in a past that is clouded in shadows and concealed with lies. The immense volume is truly a masterpiece, far beyond what words that can adequately describe.
Available as E-Book: Barnes & Noble™ • Available on NOOK™ book: Amazon™ • Available on KINDLE™
 Historia Regum Obscurum Book I - ISBN-13: 9781432771393 |
Historia Regum Obscurum Book I
Historia Regum Obscurum is Latin, translating to the History of the Kings of Darkness. This book illustrates the true events that history has tried to conceal and pass off as merely a dark, unknown period of human history. This first part of the epic trilogy accounts for the events immediately following the fall of the Roman Empire, which is commonly referred to as the Dark Ages. Deemed as an intricate framework story, this history retells the events and stories that humanity had later passed off as merely myth, fairy tales, and lore.
The Dark Ages, a time thought to be a period of widespread illiteracy devoid of progression in culture and advancements in technology, science, and art, was an era of fear when magic was not perceived as a product of imagination but a very real and immediate threat. Historia Regum Obscurum follows the dark line of kings, descendants of fallen angels and humans; hybrids capable of immense power that abused their abilities and forced humanity under the yoke of their tyranny. The timeline as we have come to believe as truth is merely an elaborate lie by historians perpetrated by human survivors to conceal the dark and terrifying truth. The history as we have come to believe is splintered, but not all the traces of this Dark Reign were erased and some can still be seen the ashes of their empire. Evidence appears in the form of inconsistencies and varying accounts during the period in question. Those holes that history swears are a result of illiteracy and poor record keeping are in fact the chasms left behind when the true catalysts of these events were removed.
The remarkable first volume follows the first four of these demonic kings as they terrorize the world. These abominations, blasphemies of nature, pure aberrations, control the world and propel the actual events that we have come to accept as the full account. Finally, the actual record has been discovered, and though there are still factions that try to conceal the truth, the underground volume refuses to return to the darkness now that it has surfaced. A warning to all who dare pick it up: once you know, you can never unlearn, and that type of knowledge is a terrible burden to bear.
Online Retailers: Outskirts Press™ • Barnes & Noble™ • Amazon™
 The Tragedy of Azazel - First Edition Ebook Card |
The Tragedy of Azazel - First Edition Ebook Card
The Tragedy of Azazel tells of the rise and fall of the Watcher Azazel as he goes from being an important cherub of repentance to a demon of sin. It explores Azazel's mysterious connection to the demon Iblis as well as the historical development of the ancient practice of sin-eating. In this short story a reoccuring character that appears in other titles of LeSouffrir's including The Tragedy of Mastema:Last of the Satanim, Historia Regum Obscurum Book I, and the much anticipated Path(os) of Redemption Part 2, has his origins revealed.
 The Book of Tragedy 0: Dark Poetry Part I - ISBN-13: 978-1438970257 |
The Book of Tragedy Ø: Dark Poetry Part I
The book that started it all. Dark Poetry Part I was the very first installment in The Book of Tragedy Chronicles. It was here that LeSouffrir first outlined his plan and showcased his unique skill. A hefty volume of poetry, all of a macabre and tragic nature, yet still explores all of the human universals with a poignancy and prowess that is rare in this era. Hear for the first time, Julian’s thoughts as he explains the scope of his grand design evident as early as in the introduction, and then see why critics are conflicted in their assessment of whether it is the product of a genius’ fertile mind, or one crafted from the chaotic rantings of madness. Brilliance and insanity are said to be closely intertwined and that theory is never more evident than in this initial volume that started it all. If you purchase it from this site, you will receive an autographed copy of this Book. $40
Online Retailers: AuthorHouse™ • Barnes & Noble™ • Amazon™
 The Book of Tragedy 0: Dark Poetry Part II - ISBN-13: 9781434355089 |
The Book of Tragedy Ø: Dark Poetry Part II
Dark Poetry Part II is a magnificent achievement and proof positive that Julian was far from done with his master plan. Purposely designed to be larger and thinner than the first volume, Julian did not want his work to sit nicely on a shelf but speak out about the necessity of individuality. Refusing to have them uniformed was defiant as a critic said that it would be ‘ugly’ to which Julian retorted, ‘the outside should match the inside, and that is why my work is more honest than those that refuse to read it.’ With his unique wit, a dark humour, and deep understanding of the human condition, he investigates the frozen moments of sorrow and horror in the life of his victims, characters that were unfortunate enough to be thought up by him. Deemed as not just a continuation but a marvelous stand alone volume, Dark Poetry Part II showcases the enduring skill of the young poet. If you purchase it from this site, you will receive an autographed copy of this Book. $40
Online Retailers: AuthorHouse™ • Barnes & Noble™• Amazon™
 The Book of Tragedy 0: Dark Poetry Part III - ISBN-13: 9781438927305 |
The Book of Tragedy Ø: Dark Poetry Part III
Another full volume of poetry that came immediately after a critic said that it would be ‘impossible’ for LeSouffrir to complete yet another book with the same conviction that he had the previous two in such a short duration. Dark Poetry Part III certainly proved that Julian has lasting power and the ability to remain consistent. With another personal Introduction that furthers his Grand Plan, and poems that continue to disobey modern conventions while maintaining the high quality that his fans of his underground movement have come to expect from the young author, this book demonstrates without a doubt that Julian is a permanent fixture in the literary world. If you purchase it from this site, you will receive an autographed copy of this Book. $40
Online Retailers: AuthorHouse™ • Barnes & Noble™ • Amazon™

The Book of Tragedy 0: Dark Poetry Part IV - ISBN-13: 978-1449028992
The Book of Tragedy Ø: Dark Poetry Part IV
A must have for poetry fanatics, LeSouffrir creates new poetic forms that he argues ‘adds to the point of the work, as opposed to many of the other traditional forms that are just artificial constraints.’ The point of the work is enhanced further by a form that adds a new dimension to the poem as opposed to merely subtracting from it due to ‘aesthetically appealing’ shackles that are self-imposed by so many before him. This defiant style which has critics arguing that his new work is somewhere between ‘unorthodox and untraditional’ versus ‘new and refreshing,’ truly illustrates Julian’s sophistication and evolution as a poet, as he does the unthinkable, challenging others to dare to utilize his own craft by publishing his handwritten notes at the end of the volume. In an era where poetry appears to be a dying art form, Julian proves to be the ‘Lord of Underworld,’ and embraces that death, resurrecting it in a form the world has never seen before.
Online Retailers: AuthorHouse™ • Amazon™

Julian LeSouffrir Presents Collision Crisis - ISBN-13: 9781452031460
Collision Crisis
Coming Soon...
Online Retailers: AuthorHouse™ • Barnes & Noble™ • Amazon™