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If you are interested in a joint venture and have an idea that you would like to work with Julian LeSouffrir on in the realms of anthologies (poetry or short stories), scripts, plays, musicals, novels, graphic novels, etc. feel free to contact through this website so we can discuss. Please go through the necessary channels to copyright your contributions before reaching out so all credit goes to the contributing party. Julian worked with others in the creation of Collision Crisis and enjoyed the process. He hopes to do more collaborative projects in the future if they are in league with his current course. Also please provide explicit written permission to use the work accordingly. If selected, you will receive all credit for your contributions, being showcased in the work, but will grant Julian LeSouffrir unlimited access and permission to use the work for the project. If you desire he can even edit, but you retain possession of your creation. By contacting you are acknowledging that you are 18 years of age or older and are capable of creating a binding contract. If you are not 18 years old it does not void out eligibility but you will have to have a legal guardian represent you.

Julian’s Muses 

If you are a model (mostly alternative models considering the type of work that Julian does) and you wish to be considered as a subject for an upcoming work please send in photos, headshots, and contact info. All types of people are welcomed for the world is an eclectic place where everyone fits in somewhere. You will be fully acknowledged as the model or archetype for the character.

The image crafted from your profile will be completely accredited to you and will be acknowledged in the work. By sending in entries you are acknowledging that you, and the subjects, are of 18 years or older and are capable of creating a binding contract. The pictures are to be used strictly as guides to establish the character(s) features and will not be used on the website or anywhere else unless written permission is granted and signed.

Music & Artwork

If you have created music or artwork (painting, drawing, sculpture, photography) for a project that Julian has already completed or are interested in creating one for a future project please send the flash drive, or original, and if selected, it will be showcased on the website. As always, go through the necessary channels to copyright your work and then give explicit written permission for Julian to use the song or artwork while you still retain possession of the image or song.

You will receive all credit for the song or images that you have created but will grant unlimited access and permission to use the image or picture for the project. By contacting through this website you are acknowledging that you are 18 years of age or older and are capable of creating a binding contract. If you are not 18 years old it does not void out eligibility but you will have to have a legal guardian represent you.